Monday, March 30, 2009


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Thursday, March 12, 2009


A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out for the Spaghetti Dinner last Sunday! It was a massive success on the part of the Youth Group, and we thank you so kindly for all of your support!

The grand total of money raised was...(drum roll please)...$660.75! For those kids that worked the supper, that works out to be $55.06 for each of you!!!

Again, thank you to everyone for supporting us!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's Happening in March!

March 8-Spaghetti Dinner and Talent Show (we're still looking for Talent if you're intersted!)
March 10-Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting
March 18-Youth Group serves the Lenten meal. We're still looking for people to sign up to bring soup and desserts!
March 20-Girls Night at Jaime's from 6-8pm
March 22-Blessed Savior Night with the Admirals
March 27/28-7th-12th grade LOCK-IN 7am-7pm
March 29-Pastor's 25th Anniversary Celebration! Youth Group Serves the lunch following the 10:30am service. We're still looking for people to help serve!

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