Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Worship and our last full day of Gathering

What an amazing night! We hope that you were able to livestream our event tonight and worship with us, but if you weren't, just know that there is nothing short of heaven that can compare to worshipping with 25,000 other people! It was inspiring to hear the shouts and echos of "He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia!" throughout the Superdome. It was humbling to join in with the priesthood of all believers and take the Lord's Supper with them. (And the craziest part was that communion for 25,000 people took just about as long as it does on a normal Sunday morning at Blessed Savior! How do they do that?!?!) The pastor talked about how we all know that God forgives us, but sometimes it's hard to forgive ourselves. But that through Christ's resurrection, we are assured of that forgiveness.

We had another full day prior to our worship service tonight. We got to go to a Bible Study, listen to speakers, participate in games, service projects and events. We can't wait to share all our stories with you on August 15!

While we'd love to share more now, we must get back to our packing. Everything needs to be out of our rooms before 7:45 tomorrow morning when we head back over to the Superdome for our closing event. Thank you again for all your prayers! They have been heard!

More prayers would be appreciated as we head over to Biloxi in the afternoon to enjoy some downtime reflecting on our week here together!


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